Letter from the Operations Manager

Wow! What a spring season we have had! We had to wait until the first week in May to see if spring would actually arrive in Indiana! Now that temperatures are getting warmer, weeds and insects are on the rise. If you have any questions or concerns about your lawn, trees, or shrubs this summer, or if you notice any damage, please call the office to schedule a visit from one of our Lawn & Tree Technicians. We will provide you with a free consultation and will only suggest services that will help your lawn and landscaping!


At Brooklawn, we are passionate about creating healthy lawns, trees & shrubs, and with early detection, often the damage to your lawn and landscape can be prevented or minimized.


We appreciate your loyalty and truly thank you for trusting Brooklawn Services to handle all your turf, tree, and shrub needs.


– Scott Semon, Operations Manager